Monday, 11 June 2012

May Madness and June Jublifications

As I touched on in my last post, the last few weeks passed by in a complete blur and as a result of a bit too much fun, with a healthy pinch of stress thrown in, I've spent the last week mostly in bed with a viral infection feeling decidedly shitty. But with this truly miserable Monday almost behind us, I'm trying to focus on the good of the last few weeks, rather than dwelling on quite how grotty I feel (and the fact that the back garden now resembles a paddy field!) So here are some of the highlights....

Seeing London Symphony Orchestra perform The Firebird on Trafalgar Square

A beautiful week in Lake Garda

Spending my 30th birthday with my parents

At Chelsea Physic Garden...

Tea at the V&A... 

Quick mosey round the Harrods' food hall...

Being 100% spoilt by my sister and friends at my birthday party

Meeting my neighbours and putting some of my birthday presents to good use at our Jubilee garden party

And just when I thought there was nothing fun to look forward to, these beauties turned up on my doorstep today courtesy of one of my oldest friends:

I hope that tomorrow my mojo will return...but for tonight, looking at all of these makes me feel like one very lucky lady. Sigh. 

Monday, 4 June 2012

The DRESS post

Cor blimey, where have the last few weeks gone?? Well actually I know exactly where they've gone, whizzed by in a blur of birthdays, trips to Italy, and sommat to do with the Queen.

But before all that happened I was delighted to finish my first ever dress. And actually wear it out. In public. All day. As an avid reader of Tilly and the Buttons, I followed her lead and made Easy McCalls pattern M2401 with fabric from Fabric Godmother (a recommendation from my friend Jess).

I didn't find it tooo difficult to follow the pattern, and despite a slightly buckled neckline I'm delighted with the results (and that it stayed together for a whole day!) Hope you like the results...

Fitting the darts

Finished product:

Apologies for the random chest close up, but as my first project I'm supremely proud of the darts!
I'm super excited to start my next project, probably a short-sleeved, more summery version of the same dress. Watch this space!

PS. One of these days, I'll start to ask people to take pictures of me, but I'm not yet that brave so apologies for the slightly dodgy instagrammed pics!